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Reciprocal Roof Event Pavilion

Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps the most enlightened and influential personality of the Renaissance, is synonymous with sacred geometry as it formed the basis from which all his designs—in art and architecture— were so profoundly developed. One of da Vinci's more remarkable architectural design concepts—and a true marvel of engineering—was that of the reciprocal roof. In the form of a spiraling vortex, the reciprocal roof design was so far advanced for its time that it took nearly four centuries before anyone attempted to actually construct one. And it's really no wonder, as the design seems to defy all known principles of static engineering, even to this day.

The twelve sided, reciprocal pavilion at villas Ecositas Nosara is the most exuberant expression of da Vinci's reciprocal architectural concept that exists on the planet to this day. The triple reciprocal design, where the lower two reciprocals spiral in opposite directions—defying logic and order—supports the upper reciprocal. The whole evokes the eternal cosmic spiral, where out of chaos comes order. Sitting in the structure one is overwhelmed with the sense of becoming at-one with the Alpha and the Omega, as the structure has no apparent beginning and no apparent ending, but spirals as if eternally to its apex, which is synonymous to the black hole that rests at the center of our own spiral galaxy, the Milky Way. 

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The Milky Way Galaxy

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The structure is designed in strict accordance with the principals of proportion and harmonics as expressed in the ancient metaphysical science of sacred geometry and the golden ratio—which defines the proportional relationship of all in nature and the universe as expressed in the Fibonacci spiral. These concepts of reality were closely held and expressed by Leonardo da Vinci in his life and in his works. 

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The new Pavilion at villas Ecositas is hand crafted using locally sourced teak from our own teak plantation, joined using traditional timber joinery, anchored to the earth with 12 large river stones, the posts being scribed to fit as though they grew directly from the stones, and uses no steel, concrete or unnatural fibers. All the materials were sourced within 10 kilometers from the building site. The only exception being the stone surround, which were sourced a short distance away in Nicaragua, being the same volcanic stone used to build many of the ancient pyramids in Central America.

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For information as to how you can schedule your event or retreat at villas Ecositas Nosara,
click on the Book A Room button at the top of the page, or send us an email using the form below.

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